Leadership Versatility Index 360
The Leadership Versatility Index (LVI)
uses the 360 method of comparing feedback from the “full circle”: superiors, peers, subordinates, and self-perceptions. But that’s where the similarity ends. The LVI is not just another 360; it is a patented solution for improving results through leadership.
Innovative Features Include:
- A breakthrough rating scale that identifies when “strengths become weaknesses” through overuse.
- A compact behavioral model that represents the tensions and tradeoffs that make leadership a balancing act.
- A central, integrative concept of versatility defined as the mastery of opposing forces needed to deal with paradox and fast-paced change.
- A blend of quantitative ratings and in-depth qualitative written feedback that provides a clear and compelling message.
- An underlying model of learning and development that combines the outer work of behavior change with the inner work of mindset change.
- A program of published research demonstrating reliability and validity at predicting employee engagement, team performance, and effectiveness.
Leadership Versatility Index
With these truly unique features packaged into a brief 15 minute survey and a powerful yet compact summary report, it is no wonder that the LVI captures the attention of executives around the globe like no other 360.
MIT’s Sloan Management Review called the LVI “revolutionary.”
For more information about this assessment visit Kaiser Leadership Solutions

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Well-designed assessments can provide awareness, which can lead to well targeted actions that can improve performance. We are a versatile source for HR and talent management.