Hogan Refresher

Has it been a while since your certification? Are you feeling like you want to familiarize yourself again with the Hogan scales and how to combine them?

At PPI, we are all about supporting you to feel comfortable using Hogan! We have three options that can help!

3 ways to refresh your Hogan Certification

PPI Hogan Learning Communities

Free to PPI Clients. Join us every other Friday for a engaging discussion of a sample profile.

Hogan Refresher

Online training gives an overview of the Hogan scales. Cost is $195

Attend a Hogan Certification Workshop

If it’s been awhile since your Hogan certification, consider attending a full Hogan workshop where you will receive new updated materials.

PPI has been the leading Authorized Distributor & training provider of Hogan Assessments on the east coast for over 30 years.

PPI chose Hogan instruments over many others because they meet our criteria for excellence in workplace assessment, including rigorous scientific standards and no adverse impact.