Certification Training Programs

We provide access to training on the assessments we represent including Hogan Assessment Certification and the Clark Wilson 360 Certification. For other assessments we provide access to their certification process, which is often done by the assessment author him/herself. Not only will our certification programs help you improve individual and organizational performance; they will also challenge and change the way you see human nature.

PPI Conducted
Certification Training

Hogan Virtual Assessment Certification

VIRTUAL Certification, 4-half day module! On-site training is also available in a one day or two day format. We have been a distributor and training provider for Hogan Assessments for the last 20 years!

Our Partners
Certification Training

Leadership Versatility Index (LVI) 360 Training

Learn how to use and interpret the LVI with its lead developer,Dr. Rob Kaiser

Clark Wilson Group 360 Webinars

Dr. Clark Wilson was the pioneer of the 360 assessment approach. Our President, Dr. Paul Connolly was his co-author for many years, and so brings extraordinary insight into the science and structure of this family of 360 assessments.

Ambiguity Architect (AA) 360 Training

Developed by Randall P. White and Philip Hodgson

Global Mindset Inventory (GMI) Training

Preparing leaders to think in a way that opens international opportunities

Overseas Assessment Inventory (OAI) Training

The ability to adapt to other cultures is critical to the success of international assignments.

At Performance Programs we are all about assessments!

Well-designed assessments can provide awareness, which can lead to well targeted actions that can improve performance. We are a versatile source for HR and talent management.