Hogan Learning Community

The Hogan Learning Community is offered by PPI Exclusively for our Hogan Certified Clients. Looking for a way to update or keep your skills sharp? Or maybe it’s been a while since you were certified, and you want to feel confident in interpreting Hogan data.

Join one of our free Learning Communities, either on occasion or every session, led by an expert practitioner to reinforce and expand knowledge and interpretation of Hogan data. If you have already attended a Hogan Certification workshop, please call us or use the contact us form below for more details.

Each group meets every other week for 45-60 minutes to review and discuss participant-provided anonymized profiles. We keep the number of attendees small to encourage participation and allow for the richest discussion. No need to attend every session, drop in whenever, and feel free to submit a profile of your own. Provide the opportunity to practice interpreting, explaining, and debriefing MVPI, HPI, and HDS assessment reports to build confidence and competence when reviewing results with clients. Utilize flash reports with a variety of scales and sub-scale scores, interest levels, motivations, personality constructs and combinations to build interpretation expertise. Build an awareness of the products and services offered by Performance Programs Inc. Identify a series of topics to building expertise in mastering the scales, processes for administrating, reporting options, pricing, positioning in talent management structures (e.g., selection, talent and leadership development, succession). Provide tips and techniques for using the tools for building a coaching practice. Record and make the recordings available for viewing, refreshing and building skills.
PPI has been a leading Authorized Distributor & training provider of Hogan Assessments on the east coast for over 30 years.

PPI chose Hogan instruments over many others because they meet our criteria for excellence in workplace assessment, including rigorous scientific standards and no adverse impact.