Leadership Versatility Training

Rob Kaiser, M.S. is the developer of the LVI and the author of many books and articles about helping managers become versatile leaders.

Leadership Versatility

  • Learn how to use and interpret the LVI with its lead developer, Rob Kaiser, this is an interactive, webinar-based certification process.
  • Training consists of pre-reading, an interactive webinar, and 1:1 help with a LVI master facilitator to prepare for your first LVI debrief.

The LVI offers a simple, compact framework to account for the complexities of the manager’s job—the tensions and trade-offs that make leadership a balance act.

Several resources, including the book Fear Your Strengths and articles in Harvard Business Review, and the 360 are a matched set—the resources illustrate the model of leadership and development and the 360 is the vehicle for applying it.

Contact Kaiser Leadership Solutions for more information on the assessment or certification!

Hogan Assessment Certification

Onsite & Virtual Hogan Assessment Certification available!

Contact us for details!

At Performance Programs we are all about assessments!

Well-designed assessments can provide awareness, which can lead to well targeted actions that can improve performance. We are a versatile source for HR and talent management.