Hogan Personality Assessments
These valuable reports are based on tests scientifically designed for the workplace and rigorously validated with populations of working adults.
Hogan Assessments
Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)
Describes normal, or bright-side personality – qualities that describe how we relate to others when we are at our best. Whether your goal is to find the right hire or develop stronger leaders, assessing normal personality gives you valuable insight into how people work, how they lead, and how successful they will be.
Hogan Development Survey (HDS)
Motives, Values and Preferences (MVPI)
Hogan Business Reasoning Investment (HBRI)
Describes reasoning style – the ability to evaluate sets of data, make decisions, solve problems, and avoid repeating past mistakes. By assessing reasoning style, you can identify candidates’ problem-solving style, understand their capacity, and identify areas for development.
Represents a new and comprehensive approach to assessing judgment and decision-making styles. Unlike previous approaches, our model includes a critical component most models miss: how a leader reacts to feedback about his or her failed decisions. This means the decision-making process does not finish once a decision has been made – it is only completed after the leader evaluates the outcome, especially when the goal was not achieved. The underlying rationale is that to improve one’s judgment, one needs to learn from experience and receive negative feedback about one’s performance.
Hogan Products
Hogan Talent Acquisition
Hogan Talent Development
Hogan Leadership
Integrated Personality Summary
Hogan Configure
Hogan Team
Hogan Safety
PPI is the Authorized Distributor for Hogan Sales and Support for New England. We have been a leading distributor & training provider of Hogan Assessments for over 20 years.
PPI chose Hogan instruments over many others because they meet our criteria for excellence in workplace assessment, including rigorous scientific standards and no adverse impact.