Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

The Dark Side of Personality

The Hogan Development Survey measures a person’s tendencies when under stress. The HDS identifies the dark-side of personality – qualities that emerge in times of increased strain and can disrupt relationships, damage reputations, and derail peoples’ chances of success. By assessing dark-side personality, you can recognize and mitigate performance risks before they become a problem.

Introduced in 1997, the HDS is the only personality assessment that identifies critical blind spots that lead to career derailment. The HDS is a proven assessment tool that uses 11 personality scales to help leaders recognize shortcomings, maximize strengths, and build successful teams.

HDS Quick Facts

  • 15- to 20-minute completion time
  • Available in more than 40 languages
  • Measures behavior not covered by the Five-Factor Model
  • Identifies problematic aspects of behavior not detected in an interview
  • More than two million participants assessed
  • Validated for use in more than 400 research studies
  • No invasive or intrusive items
  • No adverse impact
  • Online administration


Selection reports fueled by the HDS inject valuable insight into the hiring process, from measuring candidates’ overall desirability to highlighting specific areas of strengths and weaknesses.

Our HDS-driven development reports offer actionable management and development suggestions to help you guide your employees’ careers.

Self-awareness is one of the hallmarks of great leadership. Give your leaders the tools they need to understand their strength and weakness, and how they compare to their peers.

Watch this video of the 11 Derailers!


Primary Scales

Excitable: moody, easily annoyed, hard to please, emotionally volatile

Skeptical: distrustful, cynical, sensitive to criticism, focused on the negative

Cautious: unassertive, resistant to change, slow to make decisions

Reserved: aloof, indifferent to the feeling of others, uncommunicative

Leisurely: overtly cooperative but privately irritable, stubborn, uncooperative

Bold: overly self-confident, arrogant, inflated feelings of self-worth

Mischievous: charming, risk-taking, limit-testing and excitement-seeking

Colorful: dramatic, attention-seeking, interruptive, poor listening skills

Imaginative: creative, but thinking and acting in unusual or eccentric ways

Diligent: meticulous, precise, hard to please, tends to micromanage

Dutiful: eager to please and reluctant to act independently


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PPI has been a leading Authorized Distributor & training provider of Hogan Assessments on the east coast for over 30 years.

PPI chose Hogan instruments over many others because they meet our criteria for excellence in workplace assessment, including rigorous scientific standards and no adverse impact.