Try our FREE Assessments

Have some fun with our Free Assessments – Are you annoying? Are you fully engaged?

Annoying Assessment

What makes people annoying?

That’s the question that NPR Science Correspondent Joe Palca and Science Friday’s Flora Lichtman look to answer in their book, Annoying: The Science of What Bugs Us. PPI worked with Bob Hogan and the authors to develop “The Annoying Inventory”, which you can take for free. Find out how irritating, picky and arrogant you are compared to thousands of others who have taken the short 23 item survey.

CFTW Innovation Skills Assessment

The CFTW Innovation Skills Assessment® is the only instrument on the market that directly measures your ability to apply leadership and innovation skills to real world challenges. The instrument grows out of a decade of research led by Harvey Seifter and his Art of Science Learning organization, supported by large-scale grants from the National Science Foundation.

Energy Profile

Are you fully Engaged?

Full engagement means you are physically energized, emotionally connected, mentally focused and spiritually aligned. Each of these four sources of energy is necessary; none is sufficient by itself and each influences the others. We worked with renowned Sports Psychologist Jim Loehr, author of The Power of Full Engagement, to create this assessment.

Managing Stress Survey

How well are you Managing Your Stress?

Take this short self-assessment to identify what might be damage your relationships with others under stressful times.


The SevenTudes Survey focusing on these 7 key areas your company significantly increases the likelihood of overseas success.

At Performance Programs we are all about assessments!

Well-designed assessments can provide awareness, which can lead to well targeted actions that can improve performance. We are a versatile source for HR and talent management.