Self Assessments

Our personality profiles and self-assessments are helpful for introducing people to the range of characteristics related to personal effectiveness. Each of these assessments help a person understand how they are unique and how that may help or hinder performance. Self-assessments can be used alone, but they are excellent complements to multi-rater 360s. Using a combination of the two provides more effective feedback.

Personal Development

Full engagement, optimizing and balancing your energy, understanding potential blind spots. Learn something about yourself that can enhance your personal effectiveness and personal productivity.

Career Guidance

Thinking about a new career? The assessments in this category help you understand and appreciate your strengths and how those might be best deployed across the type of work and the kinds of organizations that represent your best opportunities.

Leadership Effectiveness

Leadership succession planning, selection and coaching are greatly enhanced by personality and cognitive ability tests from Hogan Assessment Systems. Performance Programs is a leading distributor and certification training provider for Hogan Assessment Systems. We offer prompt, expert implementation services that assure you get the most from your investment.

Work Across Cultures

Does your work involve contact with customers, clients or coworkers from other cultures? These assessments look at a variety of important aspects of working around the world. Categories include working in cross-cultural teams, preparing for an expatriate assignment, and examining how adept you are in thinking, strategizing and negotiating successful engagements across the cultures of the world.

At Performance Programs we are all about assessments!

Well-designed assessments can provide awareness, which can lead to well targeted actions that can improve performance. We are a versatile source for HR and talent management.