Hogan High Potential Talent Report
The competition for talent is fierce, and the future of many organizations depends on finding and developing leaders for key roles. Hogan’s High Potential Talent Report is a rigorous, assessment-based development solution designed to identify and close the skills gap between what your organization requires in a leader and what is in your talent pipeline. Some people who appear to have leadership potential are often not effective leaders: conversely, many effective employees are overlooked for promotion because they do not self-promote enough to get noticed. The High Potential Talent model simplifies the process of finding talented people who can be developed, and who then will go on to achieve positive business outcomes.
Hogan High Potential
Talent Report
Specifies: Driven by the HPI, HDS, and MVPI assessments Candidate assessment time: 45 minutes Individual or group feedback recommended Feedback by Hogan-certified practitioner Custom potential identification services available
Leadership Foundations: The building blocks for career effectiveness. Before people can lead a team, they must first demonstrate their ability to contribute to a team and must establish a personal reputation as dependable and productive.
Leadership Emergence: Are you perceived as a leader? People who emerge as leaders are able to create a leader-like impression by standing out, being noticed, and seeming influential.
Leadership Effectiveness: The ability to build and maintain high performing teams. Effective leaders attract, retain, and develop talented team members, and then secure resources, remove barriers to success, and achieve strategic business goals.
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PPI chose Hogan instruments over many others because they meet our criteria for excellence in workplace assessment, including rigorous scientific standards and no adverse impact.