Overseas Assignment Inventory

Overseas Assignment Inventory can be used to:

  • Assess potential candidates for international assignments
  • Integrate a cultural adaptability assessment tool into a candidate selection process
  • Further develop expatriates through inclusion in intercultural training programs or coaching

Performance Programs is a distributor as well as a research partner with the publisher. We also establish local norms and conduct ongoing validation studies of the OAI.

Candidate Assessment Service:

An in-depth assessment service for candidates that incorporates the OAI Development Guide and a behavioral interview. This service will provide clients with an in-depth Assessment Report.

Client Certification Workshop:

If you want to utilize the OAI as part of an internal assessment and selection process, we offer a certification workshop to train you on how to interpret and debrief the OAI.

Candidate Self-Assessment Express:

Self-assessment solution that helps employees understand their adaptability strength and challenge areas, explore culture-specific information about their potential assignment location, and discuss specific questions or concerns via a personalized coaching session. It includes access to the online OAI tool and provides a Development Guide for the employee, a two-hour virtual coaching session with a certified Intercultural Trainer, and access to an online cultural resource.

Assignee Development (with OAI Debrief)

For the development of expatriates and spouses we integrate the OAI into our intercultural training programs.

At Performance Programs we are all about assessments!

Well-designed assessments can provide awareness, which can lead to well targeted actions that can improve performance. We are a versatile source for HR and talent management.