Clark Wilson 360 Individual Contributor Series
This suite of validated 360 Management surveys provides feedback on skills related to work-flow control. Performing common management tasks, managing the people, and providing encouragement.
Aspiring to Leadership Surveys (ATL)
measures leadership potential of these individual contributors.
Client Relations Survey (SCR)
measures the skills necessary to build strong client relationships.
Coaching Practices Survey (SCP)
measures the coaching skills of a manager.
Technical Professional Survey (TPS)
measures how well these individuals utilize their unique skill set to impact the organization.
Clark Wilson 360
Certification Webinar
2025 Webinars
Contact us for dates!
What is a validated 360 feedback survey?
Validation is a research process that aims to show whether an instrument actually measures what it was designed to measure. It is a valuable feature in any published feedback survey. There are many types of validation studies. In the case of 360 degree feedback for training and development purposes, survey designers strive for construct validity. Construct validity is evaluated by determining how well the concepts behind the instrument account for an individual's performance on the instrument. For example, the Survey of Management Practices from the Clark Wilson Task Cycle series measures the universal behaviors that are predictive of an effective manager. A manager with a strong record of success should have high scores on the survey whereas a manager whose performance has been weak should have low scores.
At Performance Programs we are all about assessments!
Well-designed assessments can provide awareness, which can lead to well targeted actions that can improve performance. We are a versatile source for HR and talent management.